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发布时间:2017-11-23 浏览次数:
字号: + - 14

近日,菲律宾顾氏和平奖基金会(Gusi Peace Prize Foundation)公布了2017年顾氏和平奖(Gusi Peace Prize)获奖名单,全球16位杰出人物入围。北京中医药大学东直门医院王耀献教授成为继黄洁夫、姜保国之后中国大陆第三位获此国际盛誉的学者,是唯一的中医人。




Honorable Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman


Health is the bedrock of human well-being and common prosperity. As one of the guardians safeguarding and promoting human health, I feel greatly honored to receive Gusi Peace Prize for 2017. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Gusi Peace Prize Committee and Gusi Peace Prize Foundation.


As the gem of ancient Chinese science and shared wealth of the whole mankind, traditional Chinese medicine has cured many of diseases and pains. That’s why there are legions of fans around the world. As one of the characters comprising the Chinese version of Gusi Peace Prize, the Chinese character “和” carries the meanings of peace, balance and harmony. As one of our most treasured values, the “和 culture” or “culture of harmony or peace” has long been integrated into every living cell of Chinese nation. Traditional Chinese medicine also attaches great importance to the principle of “和” or “peace, harmony and balance” with harmonizing or balancing yin and yang and the fundamental therapeutic principle. This is echoed by a famous line in Huangdi’s Internal Classic: “Only when yin and yang keep balance will people keep healthy ”. This principle also applies to human world: human beings should be in harmony with one another; human beings should also be in harmony with nature, because every single individual or nation is interdependent on one another.


Ancient Chinese sages have remarked that”the best strategy is to prevent the development of disease, the secondary is to treat the pre-diseased and the last resort is to treat the patients who are already ill" . Traditional Chinese medicine has long been captivating the attention of the whole world with its distinctive charm. At present, traditional Chinese medicine is widely accepted in 183 countries and regions. In 2015, professor Tu Yoyo won the Nobel Prize for medicine and physiology for her discovery of artemisinin. I am confident that there will be increasing achievements in traditional Chinese medicine, contributing even more to a Healthy China and the Global Community of shared future for mankind.



Great love sees no division, true benevolence benefits all. As a TCM physician, I will stay true to my original aspirations and exert myself in promoting human health.


Immense thanks to my motherland-China


Sincere gratitude also goes to my family and friends.


Thank you all!



